Many of our clients will have noticed that some of their accounts have been accumulating cash during recent months, and that some of that cash has been used to purchase shares of securities during the past couple of weeks. This is according to plan. Normally, our clients hold securities which make periodic distributions of cash. Those distributions are not automatically… Read more →
Month: August 2015
Are You In a Personal Lifestyle Bubble?
Years ago when I first began doing cash flow analysis and planning with my clients I observed that we have a tendency to increase our outflows as our income increases. During the first annual review with one particular client the conversation went something like this: Me: It looks like your spending equals your income. You’re not spending more than you have,… Read more →
Automation: More of the Story.
Please forgive me for “harping” on this, but I think it is important in order to understand some aspects of today’s economic situation. ZDNet just published a good piece on the effects of automation. Automation in the 21st century could (at least partially) explain why inflation continues to be lower than “normal”, why your pay increases have been less than you expected, why… Read more →